
Age 27, Male


Joined on 5/22/13

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Hey buds,

I figure that maybe one person might take interest in this post thats allllllll about my summer, so lets shoot the shit

NATA 2014:
My first NATA was this year and I managed to make it to the novice round, which exceeded my expectations more than I coulda thunk.

My open round entry, was a wacky lil toon about these 2 little dorks and their mission to steal milk from the grocery store:


My novice round entry was a different kind of video, where I actually tried to do something that was "deep":


I also took part in all of this year's sarcastic collabs, something that I will 100% do next year (cuz they're fun and everyone should do em even if they don't want to participate in NATA).

Personally, I thought NATA was a really rewarding experience, cause it actually motivated me to get off my lazy-ass and do something with myself. Overall, I saw a huge improvement in my art style and color choices after I got the boot from this year's NATA, and I seriously cannot wait until next year when I can further push my style and possibly make it past round 1.

Movie Jam aka Death Jam:
Later in the summer, my buddies Bill-PremoFlikkernicht and I all decided to do Movie Jam. We were given the option to choose off of a list of wacky deaths and we picked Garry Hoy. Unfortunately, we are the most unoriginal fucks ever and about 5 billion other people picked this death and made us look like douches. Anyways, Flikkernicht did voice acting, writing, and character designs. Bill Premo did all the backgrounds and even chipped in his beautiful voice to voice Garry Hoy. I did one character design, some writing, and all the damn animation for this toon and we all managed to get this done in two days. The end result ended up being over a minute long (yowza!) and I personally think that it came out better than I expected it to. Special thanks go out to James Hunterson aka Gasball42 for staying up till like 3 am with me watching Adam Sandler movies and those terrible fawful's minion videos.


So yeah, that was my summer in regards to newgrounds and I had a real good time making videos for this site and just being a part of the community. Seriously met some really awesome people here and I love each and every one of you guys.
